In keeping with my new goal of a painting a day, I have three to show you because I wasn't able to blog for a few days. For the hollyhocks in the first painting I used my standard technique, painting onto a complete drawing on dry paper. In this second painting of the desert, I did only a little sketching of the main lines, and then painted wet on wet while looking at a photo I took on a trip to Arizona. The desert painting has some problems, but it is really beginning to grow on me.

I tried wet on wet for these magnolia blossoms as well. I will be back later tonight with today's painting.

Just Beautiful !!!
All 3 are beautiful. What size are they? Are you doing it in a pad or on individual papers? Forget the scanner - get a good camera that is for people who just want a great picture. I have the Leica V-Lux 20. Any adjustments in lighting can be done right on the camera, and if you forget then you can do it on your computer monitor. The biggest change I make on my computer is making it smaller so that I can upload to the blog faster. I can't believe you got ALL 3 done - YOU GO GIRL !!!!! Carolina
I use a Fabriano bright white watercolor block 9x12, my favorite. Can't get a new camera, mine is a Sony Cybershot, it will have to do. Maybe Hubby can show me how to make adjustments on the computer.
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