We have had some fabulous days at the beach! We did some seining and got juvenile fish and minnows, grass shrimp and grumpy blue crabs. Dip netting got us more of the same and an ugly oyster toad fish. Jim and Jack went clamming and came back with 100 clams. And of course we all did alot of floating in tubes and swimming. Ahh summertime!
I popped over to your site via Genine's Art Blog comment section. I read all your posts so far and I think that what you are doing is the right thing. Blogging about your art work will keep it out there being seen. You will figure out your path in time. Have you seen the blog Artisis Who Blog? artistswhoblog.blogspot.com/ You might enjoy that. Keep it up. Carolina
Thank you for your lovely, encouraging comments. You are my first commentor from the blogiverse and I am so excited! My kids all came running to find out why mom was woohooing. I will definately check out Artists Who Blog as well as your blog. Thanks for stopping by.
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