Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Daily painting number 2

Yes this one is a bit of a departure from my regular watercolors.  I decided to smear some acrylics around just to loosen up a bit.  I can't decide if this is finished; I'm thinking of doing some highlights with a fine line permanent marker but I wonder if I will like it.  Oh why not?!  Okay I'm off to be brave and see what happens.


kathyjo51 said...

I am a little late but your sparrows are hoping around under the feeders. Mom loves to see them. She said today the yellow birds are here again ie the yellow finch. She was excited because a hawk was sitting out there keeping an eye on the feeders. Hope she doesn't find a pile of feathers. She loves her birds. Just want you to know we love your work even if we are your mom and sister. Don't give in to the fear. Just do it because you enjoy it. Don't make a chore out of it.

The Muse of The Day said...

Your sister is right - do it because you enjoy it. All this color on your page just says to me that the artist who painted this gets re-juiced by color. Since I was a teenager my favorite color combination had been red, pink, and orange. I want to see if you added the marker or not.
One question before I go, was it hard to let go and be free with the paint?

Alicia said...

Nope, this was very fun to do. I squirted the paint right on the page and just smeared it around. I didn't do any planning, just added stuff on top till it seemed full. And I did try the marker, I'll let you be the judge on that.

Melissa P said...

You can see the fun. The lively colors make me happy just looking at them.

Knowing when something is finished is not always easy for me. But I usually error on the side of leaving it unfinished. Fear probably keeps me back.

I'm glad you shared this departure in style.